2020-21: the year of Covid-19 This last year has been Staywell’s busiest ever. We have dealt with 4,173 referrals. 2,907 referrals came from GPs, 428 were existing users who we continued to support throughout the year whilst building-based services have been closed, 316 were self-referrals or referred by family, 522 were from other sources, including Adult Social Care, Kingston Hospital and other local hospitals, Your Healthcare, and a myriad of other organisations and individuals. We carried out assessments with 3,666 people to make sure they were safe and well during the pandemic. We provided support to 795 households who needed it – 22% of those contacted for assessment needed our support. The support provided included ‘safe and well’ checks, shopping, collection and delivery of prescriptions, provision of food parcels, meal preparation, befriending – as well as more involved casework by our community teams. On average, the number of tasks per client was 9.7, including 1,738 individual shopping trips. 51 volunteer befrienders have supported people with regular phone calls between 1 and 3 times per week. Making around 5,000 calls over the last 12 months. Our Help at Home service provides regular support to over 200 people, with over 7,700 visits completed in the last 12 months. Our Handyperson service has supported 132 people, with 245 home visits. Our Information and Advice service has dealt with 754 referrals. Of these, we have assisted 135 individuals with applications for benefits such as Attendance Allowance, Housing Benefit, Pension Credit and transport benefits - maximising their incomes by over £80,000 to date. We have supported 158 discharges from Kingston Hospital. This work has involved 14,144 phone calls. We delivered our newsletter, Staywell News, containing useful information on Pension Credit, key safes and general service information to 1,297 households just before Christmas 2020. We provided and delivered 150 Christmas food parcels to very isolated older people. For 12 weeks from 1st April 2020 to 24 June 2020, and again since 11th January 2021, we have been operating for 8 hours per day, 7 days per week. 2020-21 the year of Covid-19: Staywell, helping keep people well and safe at home. Supporting independence and building community resilience. We thank all the grant providers, individual and community donors and supporters who have made this possible. As we reflect on the last year, we also remember and pay our respects to those in the Staywell community who have sadly lost their lives, and those who have been affected by illness and bereavement. Manage Cookie Preferences